Zila Parishad, Chandrapur
Gram Panchayat, Mathura
P.H.E.D Raipur
P.H.E.D Chattisgarh
NCHSE, Madhya Pradesh
ICRC, New Delhi
I.I.T Delhi
Gram Panchayat, Talegaon Dhamdhere
Gram Panchayat, Piplantri
Zila Parishad, Chandrapur
The office of executive engineer, Chandrapur has certified that Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd. has successfully supplied and installed 65 solar pumps in villages of Chandrapur. These pumps were installed in September 2012
Gram Panchayat, Mathura
The Gram Panchayat of Mathura has congratulated Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd on successful installation and commissioning of solar dual pumps in Mathura. These pumps were installed in March 2011.
P.H.E.D Raipur
The Public Health Engineering Department of Raipur, Chhattisgarh has appreciated Span’s efforts in successfully installing and commissioning1.4kW solar pumping systems at various villages in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. These pumps were installed in March 2013.
P.H.E.D Chattisgarh
The Public Health Engineering Department of Raipur, Chhattisgarh has appreciated Span’s efforts in successfully installing and commissioning solar dual pumps in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. These pumps were installed in September 2011.
NCHSE, Madhya Pradesh
The National Center for Human Settlements & Environments, Madhya Pradesh has appreciated Span’s efforts in installing play pumps in villages of Gadwada and Kokawad. These pumps were installed in August 2006.
ICRC, New Delhi
The International Committee of the Red Cross, New Delhi had been associated with Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd. during the period 2010-12 to install Solar Powered mini-water scheme in remote rural health center of Bijapur district. ICRC was pleased with the technical solution adopted, the effective and rapid system installation executed by Span at a remote location. They were happy to recommend Span as a rational choice for the provision, installation, and maintenance of solar powered water schemes.
I.I.T Delhi
The Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, has confirmed successful installation and commissioning of solar submersible pump. The system is operational since December 2011 .
Gram Panchayat, Talegaon Dhamdhere
The Gram Panchayat of Talegaon Dhamdhere has appreciated Span’s efforts in successfully installing and commissioning solar dual pumps in Talegaon Dhamdhere. These pumps were installed in April 2010.
Gram Panchayat, Piplantri
The Gram Panchayat of Piplantri has congratulated Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd on successful installation and commissioning of solar dual pumps in Piplantri. These pumps were installed in February 2010.
The Watershed Organization Trust has certified that Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd. has has completed the installation of two solar pumps and two see saw pumps in Udaipur, Rajasthan. This work was executed in December 2013.
The Public Health Engineering Department has certified that Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd. has completed the installation of solar dual pump installation in Bastar, Chhattisgarh. This work was executed in September 2013.
The Public Health Engineering Department has certified that Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd. has completed the installation of solar photovoltaic submersible pump in Kondagaon. This work was executed in 2013.
[flipbook width=”900″ height=”540″ pdf=”http://spanpump.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Red_R_Report.pdf”]